What is soil conservation? Write some methods for soil conservation.
What is soil conservation? Write some methods for soil conservation.

Q:- What is soil conservation? Write some methods for soil conservation.
Answer :- Soil Conservation :-
The scientific method by which soil is properly used to protect it from erosion and degradation, increase its fertility and maintain the balance of the environment is called soil conservation.
Methods :- Soil conservation methods can be divided into two main categories — (a) Agricultural methods and (b) Mechanical methods.
(a) Agricultural or Agronomic or biological methods :-
(1) Contour Farming :-
The land is tilled, sown, planted transversely along the slope along the same height in the sloping land of mountains and valleys. Again along the uplift line the surface flow is controlled by constructing long high embankment uplift line cultivation. Increases soil infiltration.
(2) Terrace Farming :-
Like stairs at different heights in hilly areas, step by step, a crescent-shaped flat land is created and the land is enclosed by building a dam with small stones and earth at the edge. As a result, the water flow along the slope is blocked and the land is closed and the crop rows are planted horizontally in the water accumulated on the land.
(3) Crop rotation :-
Crop rotation and intercropping of cereals, tobacco, potatoes, vegetables in the same land by intensive cultivation of different crops is necessary to keep soil fertility intact.
(4) Strip Cropping :-
Due to the high speed of rainwater and soil erosion in non-vegetated sloping land, erosion-resistant crops are formed across the slope like a wide belt (beans, soybeans, groundnuts, pulses) Cultivation stops water and wind loss. Increases soil water holding capacity.
(5) Agricultural or biological practices :-
Cultivation of cover crops requires selection of crops that cover the maximum amount of land and keep soil particles tightly bound. Cultivation of grass, bersim, groundnut keeps the soil covered, improves soil drainage.
(6) Mulching :-
After harvesting, leaving plant residues (straw, roots) on the ground prevents water and air loss, reduces evaporation.
(7) Criss-Cross Ploughing :-
First few rows parallel to the slope on the slopes of mountain valleys crops are planted. Then crops are cultivated across the slope. As a result no sector can be created.
(b) Mechanical or technical methods :-
(1) Prevention of soil erosion :-
In bad land, a series of dams are constructed between the channels to reduce the volume and velocity of water flow along the channels. At the head of the ditch, earthen walls are made and shrubs and trees are planted on them. Shrubs and trees are planted in the fallow land between the ditches.
(2) Farrowing :-
In desert areas with strong wind currents, if shallow furrows are cut in the land in the opposite direction of the wind speed, the eroded soil cannot be removed by the wind.
(3) Creation of forest land :-
Deforested land, hill slopes by planting new fast-growing trees, creating social forests or maintenance of forest land, stopping deforestation plays the most effective role in land degradation.
(4) Creation of grasslands :-
In the lands where there is continuous soil erosion, creating grass cover by artificial grass cultivation increases the soil binding and reduces soil erosion. Overgrazing needs to be controlled along with grassland creation.
(5) Prevention of Bank Erosion :-
The elevated parts of the river and sea banks can be protected from the direct impact of river currents, tides and sea waves by enclosing the river and sea banks with concrete and constructing iron poles or retaining walls.